Wisdom Rising
Shamanism, Reiki, Spirituality, Personal Development, and More. It’s time to re-member your Divine purpose and limitless potential. Welcome to Wisdom Rising, the official podcast of Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. Join Shamanic Reiki practitioners Christine Renee, Isabel Wells, and Shantel Ochoa as they guide you on a journey of radical self-discovery and spiritual guidance. Each week we dance through the realms of shamanism, mysticism, energy healing, and personal development to illuminate your path to true healing and self-sourced wisdom. Through weekly inspired conversations and interviews with leading spiritual and shamanic practitioners, we’re here to help you acknowledge, reconcile, and balance your energy so that you can awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising within. You can follow us on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok at MoonRisingInstitute, or visit our website, moonrisinginstitute.com, to learn more about our mission and find future opportunities to connect with our community of Shamanic mystics.
Wisdom Rising
Uncovering Our Starseed Origins and Galactic Connections
Could your soul have roots among the stars? Join us, Christine Renee and Shantel Ochoa, as we explore the fascinating realm of starseeds and our cosmic origins. Through the lenses of shamanism, mysticism, and energy healing, we unravel the mysteries of our potential galactic connections. From the Navajo star nations to the indigo and crystalline children, we share stories that challenge the boundaries of conventional thinking and invite you to reflect on the possibility of a broader interstellar family.
Imagine offering Reiki and channeling light language only to uncover unexpected healing vibrations. In this episode, we discuss embracing one's starseed identity and the interconnectedness of cosmic origins, delving into pivotal moments for spiritual awakening. We guide you through identifying signs of this cosmic identity—whether it’s a sense of mission, a yearning for freedom, or an indescribable homesickness. Our stories illuminate the journeys of those drawn to specific star systems, like Orion, and the profound impact these connections have on our lives.
Awakening to higher consciousness is a transformative experience, and we focus on empowerment and personal sovereignty. By breaking free from subconscious patterns and victimhood, we learn to harness authentic power and elevate our consciousness. Discover how internal shifts can lead to attracting like-minded communities and inspiring others on their spiritual path. We celebrate the beauty of earthly life, its challenges, and the importance of staying grounded through gratitude and mindfulness. This journey is not just about individual transformation but a collective upliftment towards a more enlightened world.
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Book a FREE 10 minute connect call with Christine: https://calendly.com/christinerenee/10-minute-connect-call-srpt
It's time to remember your divine purpose and limitless potential. Welcome to Wisdom Rising, the official podcast of Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. Join shamanic Reiki practitioners Christine René, isabel Wells and Chantelle Ochoa as we guide you on a journey of radical self-discovery and spiritual guidance. Each week, we'll dance through the realms of shamanism, mysticism, energy healing and personal development to illuminate your path to true healing and self-sourced wisdom Through weekly inspired conversations and interviews with leading spiritual and shamanic practitioners. We are here to help you acknowledge, reconcile and balance your energy so that you can awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising from within.
Speaker 2:Welcome back to Wisdom Rising. Today we are having our Whispers of Wisdom conversation. This week's topic is on starseeds and our cosmic origins, which I'm very excited about. But before we dive in, I have a few quick announcements to make. Be sure to check us out over on our Facebook group, moon Rising Mystics, as well as all of those my favorite platforms out there. We have our YouTube channel with nearly 13,000 subscribers Super excited for that. Thank you so much for listening over there and we also have a Facebook and Instagram, so be sure to check out all of those places and spaces.
Speaker 2:And I might be coming to your town, so listen in. I'm doing some local events in Bozeman, montana. I'm also going to be in Steamboat Springs coming up the first week of December, so if you have people in that area, if you're in that area and you want to connect with me, that is your time. I'm also going to be in Tucson, arizona, after Christmas, through the first, and then I'm going to be heading over to Houston, texas, to do workshops from January 2nd through the 5th. So if you are like, oh my gosh, I love, I would love to get do in-person events, feel free to reach out to me. Let me know where you are in the world, where you would like me to be, if you have contacts with yoga studios and those types of things, especially if you're in a ski town. I'm going to be busy in a few of those this winter. So, um, and I'm and I'm hoping to do workshops along the way.
Speaker 2:So today we're going to be talking about our divine origins to cosmic energy, our star seed origins, and I'm excited about this conversation. You know, um, for really long time there's been topics that we have been interested in sharing with all of you, and yet it didn't work under the previous branding of Reiki Cafe University, and one of the reasons why we felt so strongly to move into this energy of Moon Rising Shamanic Institute is because it has a much wider availability to connect on so many different topics, and this being one of them, and I love that. You know even the Navajo, and there's so many other indigenous cultures that speak of the star nations, right, and so I would love to have that invitation to also have that conversation here of how we are connected to the star nations. Are we part of the star nations and really diving into where our divine origins belong and recognizing that it can be the earth and something else. So welcome, welcome everyone to our Whispers of Wisdom.
Speaker 2:I'm joined here with Chantel Ochoa and we're ready to dive in. Thanks for joining with me, chantel.
Speaker 3:Now I'm excited about this one today too, to see where we take this conversation and who we get to tap into and with and who is going to resonate with this conversation. I think this is especially in our time. Now a lot of people are coming to awareness that maybe they are not just an Earthling, that we are from a different star system planet. We have a soul family, a galactic family. So definitely excited to see what questions come through and who is resonating with this.
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely Part of the conversation is to open your mind to the possibility, open your mind to that. You know, maybe everything that we have been taught in our culture and society is something that we can question. That you know, like there's such a limited scope on what we're told in our lifetime of where we're from and how it looks and how it's quote unquote supposed to be. And my life has never fit in the box. It hasn't, it never has and never will. And that's part of who I am. And I don't think I'm alone in that. And the more we connect with each other and saying, you know I'm, I'm not alone in this, I, I. There are other people out there like me and I remember as a child sitting on the couch of my in my house that I grew up in and crying and saying I just want to go home, I just want to go home, and having no idea what the heck I was talking about. But I knew earth wasn't it. I knew that my house, my home, it wasn't it. I wanted to go home and I didn't know what I was talking about. And you know, people in my life thought I was a little nutty because it didn't make sense that I was so homesick inside the house I was growing up in and I want to invite anyone who's listening to recognize that's not uncommon. You know, and I think that there was.
Speaker 2:You know, back in the 1990s and early 2000s there was a lot of talk about indigo children and crystalline children and all these things and I'm like they were all the starseeds. So let's back up and go through a couple of these terminologies that we're using so that everyone who's listening can get on page with us. So, chantel, would you do that for us? Will you kick us off of like, what is an indigo child, a crystalline child, a star seed? And we can have that conversation together of going you know, these are like some, some of these are like old school terms because no one knew what to call us back. Then you know, and so it was very much like, well, let's just call them this, and then you kind of lean into it and be like you know there's, there's more to it than this book wrote about.
Speaker 3:Yeah, definitely so. With the indigo and crystal children, um, where it's children, we're coming in as um very high, like psychic or aware children that are here to do work. We're here with mission, we're here with purpose. We come in from a different star seed, a different galactic star system within our solar system, right? So star seeds are people with souls of extraterrestrial origin. So that's pretty much what a soul seed is is that we are coming from a different planet or system, and I do believe that we have been.
Speaker 3:A lid has been put on that. We have been suppressed from our origins, from where we're from. I believe it's. I call it spiritual amnesia, because that is what I feel that we come into, and a lot of that is because if we knew all of our past lives and how we've died and all the things, I think then that would cause a lot of. We wouldn't be able to fulfill all of the missions that we have. Right, there would kind of be like a block there. But what ends up happening? We come in from these different starseeds and sometimes we have this remembering, like you're saying, christine, like you're like, I want to go home.
Speaker 3:I remember as a child I was calling messages, downloads before it was even a download before people were talking like that, and that happened to me throughout my whole life until I integrated it about shoot, not even that long ago, maybe seven years ago where I was able to say, I don't know who is visiting me, but I always felt like my experiences were being downloaded and I was receiving new information and then at some point it was like it started to integrate and then this work started coming forward and so it was really interesting how that worked. But you might also be hearing these different star systems or these beings there's the Palladians, the Arcturians, sirian, lemuria, the Lyrans, orion. So these are all different beings and star systems cultures. You know communities of beings out there that we can be attached to or from. Do you know where you feel like you're from?
Speaker 2:I, yeah, I do, and you know, I feel like you can be from numerous Like. I definitely feel like a galactic traveler, right, and I choose earth often. The last 10,000 years I've predominantly been on earth. I go, quote unquote, to my home as at in between lifetimes, but it's really like I'm just visiting, and then I come back here so for myself, really like I'm just visiting, and then I come back here so for myself. You know, I feel like tens of thousand years ago I was on a planet and here I feel like I should back up, even back up, back up, back up.
Speaker 2:I very much um have been putting the puzzle pieces together in my own star seed journey and to the to the fact that it was probably about 10 years ago, I was working on a very spiritual man who was in the process of dying and he was, you know, seen as a guru and um was very, had such a big heart and I was offering him Reiki on his deathbed and light language started coming through. I had no idea what was coming out of my mouth and yet it was and I was like, well, whatever this is, I'm just, I'm in Reiki, I'm going to flow with it and I'm just going to let whatever spills forward to come out and it really felt like the words, what the vibrations they were had a healing capacity and I was just doing it kind of quietly under my breath because I didn't know what it was. And then you know, it was like and I really feel it was because he had a star seed connection, like he in some capacity, was open to whatever this healing was, whether he was from the same planet or whatnot and it's just been sprinkled throughout the last 10 years and over the last maybe five it's gotten more and more potent. And the people in my life my previous husband, my children there's always been star seed connections and the people around and in my immediate family and and so and I thought it was just them for a long time I'm like, oh, y'all are weird and I'm just going to be the mom here and like hold space for you all. And that wasn't it. No, yeah, no.
Speaker 2:And I turned out to be like, no, I'm actually the main link, but I really their stories made so much more sense to me, like my son started talking about his past lives when he was three and four years old. That was like all he would talk about it is trying to get back to the blue mountains that he was making the starship and he couldn't understand why his stepdad couldn't remember them building the spaceship together. Like that was like a common theme for like a full year of everything that came out of my son's mouth was about preparing for war and like all of these things. And I'm like, oh, my goodness Right. So it was very obvious in the beginning of my journey as, as remembering the start, my star seed connections, that the, the people in my life were also very connected to this and and so for.
Speaker 2:Overall, I feel like the pieces are coming closer and closer together. The more often I dive into deep work and do my shamanic journey work, um, the more I connect with these different astral planes, with these different entities from different cosmic origins, and it very much is like I now have like a mom on Octoria that I can go to and like just be with her, and I have friends there. And but I don't think it was my home planet either, which is interesting. I feel like my quote unquote home planet was destroyed tens of thousands of years ago and kind of like I'm watching the show Galactica and I'm like, oh my God, I can't watch this because it brings up so much trauma.
Speaker 2:I'm like, all right, deep dive into shadow work, because I'm remembering this is my story of the home planet being destroyed and then you having to find new places to live.
Speaker 2:And so I kind of immigrated into Octoria, octarius, and I feel like I have a lot of connections there, memories of being Andromeda and on numerous other planets where I'm kind of the recruiter of these other highly evolved souls to come to earth, like I. I have been the, the traveler of, like recruiting people to come to earth, not only because I feel like the the earth's population is expanding so rapidly that the souls of of earth can't keep up and so it's better to have these souls come from this, these cosmic origins, versus having new souls come into earth, because new souls can be kind of barbaric, they haven't done the learnings yet. Earth, because new souls can be kind of barbaric, they haven't done the learnings yet, whereas if I can convince an andromeda soul or a palladian soul or whoever to come here to support the collective consciousness evolvement, it's much easier to work with like let's raise the earth vibrational energy. If I'm, if I'm, I'm a, and so I've been, I feel like I've been all over the cosmos. I really have.
Speaker 3:There's a lot with that Like going back to an. I feel in 2012 is really when a lot of people started having this awakening. A lot of shifts happen in 2012, but now we're we're on this timeline of like the last 10 to 12 years of really awakening to our origin, really awakening to our gifts, our clairs, our, if you're a healer or not a healer?
Speaker 2:like are you the?
Speaker 3:healer in your family? Are you a practitioner? However, it is because this is that time of lifting the, lifting the veil, and to lift the, the experience, but the vibration of our planet. Because we are in this healing, we are expanding. We are doing this work right now. So I can see why, like being able to go out there and you're like, come to earth. We need help here on earth because there's a lot that have been going through their reincarnation for thousands of years and it's time for us to awaken. On this planet. We're lifting, we're ascending, we're doing the work, and I think that's why we're seeing so many shifts on this planet right now.
Speaker 3:Absolutely so the calling is coming forward for us. And so if you're feeling like you know what I'm not sure if I'm a starseed or not I do have a few things, like if you feel like you're here with mission, with purpose, if you feel like you're seeking freedom, a sense of freedom, or you're being homesick and you don't quite know what that is, because you are home, you have your family, but there's this something else in you that calls for something bigger and different of that's not of this planet possibly a star seed. If you're like you're a star watcher, a stargazer, you're into astrology, you're into all the different planets, everything that's going on. These are all purpose. You know symptoms or activations that could be happening within you, craving nature.
Speaker 3:Do you feel like you're the one that's the oddball in your family, the black sheep of the family? So there's all these different ways of recognizing if you possibly are, but it's really connecting to the stars and the origin in which you are possibly from. So let us know in the comments if you're feeling like you have any of these, if you have heightened intuition, if you have heightened Claire's, if you're very empathic, if you feel like you've had this great spiritual awakening. Let us know if there's any of those, connect with you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I feel too that oftentimes in the beginning, the light language, the like autonomic writing of like symbols or messages that like you're like I don't know where that came from I really drawn to certain specific star systems. Like I was really kind of obsessed with Orion star system and it's got numerous galaxies just below the belt I think that's where Sirius A and Sirius B are and you know, there's, there's that piece of there's, there's that piece of like. I think there's a lot of earthlings, humans, who are evolving very rapidly at the same time. So then it becomes like this well, am I an evolving rapidly as a human, or is it like coming from a cosmic origin? Like how can I tell? And I think it's just such a personal journey of like exploration, because they can look very similar and there's nothing wrong with being human. I think that's the other thing, like if you are human and you've been an earthling and you're super connected with the earth and you are on an earth's mission, and that's beautiful in and of itself.
Speaker 2:So I don't want to put star seeds necessarily on a pedestal, it's just a conversation that I I'm really curious about, because oftentimes when I have these conversations inside a closed container of our students. What I recognize is I will start talking about it and everyone in the room is like yep, uh-huh, uh-huh, yep, right, and we're doing it right now. I can watch the chat book Yep, yes, yes, yes, right, and this is where it kind of like for me. I understand that, like I have spent thousands of years working in earth energy and I keep returning here to do this work and in between, I'm the recruiter. And then all of a sudden, I have all of these students and all of these people in my community that are identifying as starseeds. As soon as I reveal that I am, then they are like yep, me too, me too.
Speaker 2:I don't understand it, but me too, I'm on that journey and I find it interesting that there's this 2012 connection, because that's really when things really started heightening, like the veil started getting thinner, and it's thinner and thinner and thinner, and I feel like now it's even more predominant, like I used to have to really concentrate and tune in to channel the language, and now it's so much easier. It's just second nature. It's just second nature and and I I'm curious about that word to channeling, because ultimately, I, I am a star seed Like this is my language, my, my primary language, if you will, whereas English is a secondary language. So when we say I'm channeling, there's part of it's like, yeah, there's.
Speaker 2:Sometimes I'm actually channeling an entity where their consciousness is melding in with mine and I'm bringing that information forward. And other times I'm just talking, I'm just talking in my home language and I don't think people who are are quote-unquote, offering light when, which are necessarily seeing the difference in that, like I haven't heard that conversation. And there's sometimes I just want to go go back to Octarius and have a conversation with an old friend and here I am talking in it and it has nothing to do with channeling, right.
Speaker 3:And I just, yeah, I love that your primary language. And I think, for a lot of people that are speaking in light language, they're not seeing that, because the channeling is what a lot of people identify it as and it's like, no, you might not, because channeling is you are speaking, so another entity is speaking through you for the message they have to input, whereas you're talking about being able to just speak your language, like we do English or Spanish or whatever. Yeah, you're just speaking your galactic language, your home language. Yeah, and I think that's a great conversation for people to have. Like, am I just speaking?
Speaker 2:my language, exactly Like. I feel like there's. I see other people you know doing quote, unquote, light language and I'm like, but but where are they from?
Speaker 1:Like you know what I?
Speaker 2:mean Like, are they an earthling channeling or are they Octorian, channeling an Octorian, or are they Octorian, just speaking Octorian?
Speaker 2:Like you know, like I feel like I wish there was more distinction in the community and I I feel like I'm kind of the odd one out, like having the question out there and at the same time, when I want to call in, uh like, as she almost feels like a deity from my original home planet and you know, she's the one who helped me get to Octarius and be safe and all of the things and when I channel her, I feel her energy, Like I feel her presence, I feel her embodiment within me and receiving new codes, the downloads, whatever it may be, it's coming from her and it's not me anymore, Right?
Speaker 2:So there's like that distinction that I get curious about. When people are claiming light language and and I'm like you totally can be absolutely and what if the, the hand gestures, the movements, the mudras, the language that's coming through? What if it was like something normal that we used to do, like a choreographed hand, movements and language, chance prayers that we used to do together? Like I think totally outside the box and going, yeah, it could be, but what if? What if? What if this was like the normal thing we used to do all the time?
Speaker 3:And I, I, I can visualize that. You know, I've seen myself like um on my ship. I've, I've looked, I've been out in space and like through journey work and they're like you're not from here, you're from way out there. But I know that my mission is here now and I know I've been here for many lifetimes I don't know how long, but I know I've been here.
Speaker 3:And so it's very interesting because when I do get to go to like my spaceship or whatever you want to say it, I know it has huge windows and it sees and oversees so much and it's just like it's beautiful and we're beautiful.
Speaker 3:And so it's interesting because there is a physicalness to it, cause we're not talking about being in our soul body, it's actually being in our galactic body, I guess. And there's so many different ways that the body shows up, you know, because we have, like, our blue beans and we have lyrans that are lions and there's, you know, bird origins, and so there's so many different physical representations. Yes, exactly, it's amazing. So it's like, if you're even like tuning into what your power animal is right, absolutely Could be a connection from what your, your space, where you're from, and it's just interesting to be able to take it all in and really think outside the box. You know and recognize that, yeah, we probably have been lied to for our entire existence on this planet because those in power don't want us to know this and remember. We're not meant to remember it, not here, and then not when we come in, when we choose to incarnate.
Speaker 2:So here, here's the thing I what I think is is going on there is that we have this um, oh, oh gosh, I just had it. It was like you know there's and and if it goes too low, you are going to be in a, in a place of war and despair and plagues and all and all of the things, right. And so it's like there's this zone where we're struggling in, where we're balancing between these two different options, and I feel like there's specific, like there's there's definitely a play for control that if we stay in fear, we're easily, more easily to be controlled. And this is where you know why it's been kind of difficult to bring up these conversations, because it's what the? The different entities that we've brought up so far, these different star seed origins, are all very high vibe, but they're not all like that. It's just like now, all humans are all love and light and good, right.
Speaker 2:There are some people out there who want evil to occur, right.
Speaker 2:And so we have this energy that kind of is like a shadow over earth, that there's a reason why these other starseeds wants to come in to help support earth, because it's got this shadow over it, it's got this negativity, this heavy energy and we will destroy ourselves if we allow the shadow to continue to exist, hovering over the earth.
Speaker 2:And if we can wake up to our remembrance of who we are, if we can wake up to our empowerment, if we can see the shadow for what it is and rise above it, then it will disintegrate, it will, it will, it will release.
Speaker 2:And so part of this heaviness that we have on earth, like I always say I mean you've heard me say this on other podcasts is that you know we don't come to earth for vacation, like it's not, this is not an easy planet to come to, and part of it is this heaviness and this overarching you know veil that that amnesia, that um don't remember and part of it is so that our energies can be extracted for these not positive entities that are hovering around our earth, like we're a beautiful, blue, floating planet that has an immense amount of energy, and when you look at the galactic system, overall we have a lot of energy, and so you have some, some extraterrestrials, if you will, that are more in the fourth dimensional plane, that want to extract said energy. Right, and that is easier to do if we are in fear.
Speaker 3:Yes, right, and that's why we speak so much about lifting our vibration and doing our healing work and all of that so that we can get out of that lower vibration of energy. So it can't be extracted, right, because if we are vibing too high, they they are just going to bypass you as a human. They're like, oh, that one's not available. We need to keep searching for the one that is stuck in their low vibration because they haven't done the healing or they're not even aware. A lot of people don't even know that they're in a low vibration of energy or that they are hovering in those lower emotions. And that's why we're always like we need to heal the trauma, we need to focus on it, because then they will just bypass you and go to the next person.
Speaker 3:And so when you're talking about earlier and you're saying, yes, if you are staying in, that it can bring in war, it can bring in all this stuff. But we create that within ourself too, right, because there are so many different layers on this planet that, if you're, you can be in your own level of war, with work, with relationship, all of it right, and then you can be in this high vibe experience of you know, traveling and being in like loving relationship and non-toxic relationships and all of this. It really is our free will and it comes back to being a sovereign being. When we are sovereign, that is our power. That is literally like our superpower of being a sovereign being, of being a healed being and being like no, I'm not available to any of that, because then you can truly speak your truth and in your power, and then they don't have the power and control over you.
Speaker 2:Yes. So you want to know really the reason why we do what we do here at Moon Rising and Shamanic Institute. It's this we really want to. We really want everyone to break out of the victimhood mood mode and into empowerment, so that they, that you'll be less susceptible to the heaviness that this earth can resonate with right. And so if we can break ourselves out of it individually, collective consciousness will also rise which can transform our lives here. Right, but it all starts with internal. We have to do the internal work first, and when we start doing the healing work and then we're waking up into our, our Palladian galactic connections, or our Arcturians or our Syrians or whatever it is when we say you know what, you put this amnesia over me, but you know what? I got it. I remember now and I feel like that amnesia has been slowly fading out Like I'll go do and I think a lot of it is because of the shamanic journey work Like we. We train others at moon rising to shamanic journey, because once you can connect with your spirit guides, your power animals guess what? You can go have a shamanic journey to your home planet. You can go have these connections.
Speaker 2:And I remember recently I was at a chakra dance and it can be a very shamanic experience for me, a very out of body. I oftentimes go home and it's once again I'm not on plant medicine, but oftentimes plant medicine is also very helpful if done intentionally with this type of work. And I remember going and visiting of work. And I remember going and visiting basically an old, an old boyfriend, if you will, on Octurius and I was like, oh my gosh, I can't believe I left you, like I was trying to remember what our story was. I was like are you mad at me for leaving you? It's been a long time. And he's like it's been 10,000 years and you have been on this planet for 2,400 lifetimes. So, no, you're good, it's been a long time. But I didn't know the timeline, like. I didn't know if I like it was the last lap lifetime we were together or 10,000 years ago, like. But all of those numbers and things keep coming and getting put together where I'm like, okay, I'm understanding my story. And the more I understand my story, the more empowered I feel. Because when I know my story, this is just like if you don't know your own um genealogy. That can be an empowering experience. This can be an empowering experience where you're like okay, I remember when I was on this planet and I remember when I was on this planet.
Speaker 2:I remember what I was doing there, like my original home planet that was destroyed. It was so wet, it was so wet, it rained and rained, and I feel like we almost breathed through the rain, like we breathe through water, and you know, it was like the. I feel like we almost breathed through the rain, like we breathe through water, and you know it was like the colors of your skin and how many finger pads you had. Like all of that. Those pieces are coming to me.
Speaker 2:And it's like how we raise children is so drastically different than here on earth. It was very much like no, none of the children belong to one one parents, right, they, they belong to everyone. And so there was very much, uh, this gathering of the children, or like taking care of everyone. It was so different than our little family units here on earth, right, and the. Your relationships would last thousands of years. Like the timelines were different. You know everything is so freaking short on this planet. Like it's so hard. Like man, they try to pack it all into one lifetime. Like you're always in the thick of it, like you have to grow up and develop into an adult, and then you're trying to become independent. And then, oh, oh, my goodness, now we were having kids. And then we're we're dealing with children and then we're taking care of elderly parents, and then you're like where did my life go?
Speaker 3:Like you're always and the whole time. We're like in an aging body to go from young to old in less than a hundred years. It's ridiculous. Thousands of years in the whole, like just of it. Yeah, it's so crazy, it's like we're, we're.
Speaker 2:This is just a blink of the eye and the cosmic understanding of our, of our life, our soul, life, that it, it. I oftentimes have to remember, like it doesn't matter what I do today, ultimately, because it's such a small snapshot of the big, big, big big picture of my impact on the universe, and I feel like I keep choosing earth. I will have these experiences where I'm out in the galactics, I'm way out in the cosmos, I'm astral, traveling, if you will, and I'm looking down at the earth and I'm just like I love her, I love her, I love her. I love all of the ups and downs, all of the emotional roller coasters, all of the the you know struggles that we have here. I love it. And when I'm in the thick of it, like when I'm actually in the experience of having a hard time, I'm like I just want to go home Right, like there's. That, there's that piece of remembering why I keep choosing earth again and again and again and again is for this awakening process.
Speaker 2:You know, I have had so many lifetimes where I am like the shaman or the healer for or to someone in power. Like so many of my lifetimes I've been, I've been in that role and you know they kill me again and again, and again and I'm just glad that I don't have to, like, get killed. This, this lifetime as a witch been, I did that a lot and cause I keep pushing the envelope, I keep pushing the comfort zone. And here I am once again, even today, on this record, like on this podcast, feeling like my job is to push the comfort zone and, you know, taking the last 42 years to get comfortable with, like, can I talk about this? Can I share about this? Who's going to judge me if I do this? What if I have another witch wound show up where people attack me now energetically, physically, emotionally, whatever it is and to say you know what? That's why I'm here on earth. This is part of my mission and purpose is to continuously push the comfort zone and to help people wake up to who they truly are.
Speaker 2:So I know that, as long as we continue our personal healing practice like I was sure to do my personal self-care practice this morning, to raise my vibrational energy, so that anything that would have come up today that might have made me uncomfortable I could rise above it, because it's just like that. I can do it individually, but guess what, if we can do it collectively, we can save the planet. That's what it feels like. We're at this crucial juncture of we're destroying the planet, and it's amazing here, and we all have the work that we can do, and it's called personal practice, it's called self-healing, it's called go into the shadow, find the places and spaces within yourself that are causing this low vibration, this victimhood mentality, and let's break out of it, because we have more power than they're letting us on to know our, our, our government, our societal, our system. They don't want to know. Let us know how much impact and power we truly have and if we can all wake up, like I would say, right now the planet is about 90 to 95% asleep, yeah.
Speaker 3:Right. Right, so there's a little less, but yes, it's a very small amount of people who are actually awakened to all of this Right.
Speaker 2:Well, and notice that this is really interesting to me. Okay, I'm just like, yeah, notice that our subconscious brain runs on 90 to 95% autopilot. The world right now is running on 90 to 95% autopilot and there's only five, about 5%, of us who are actively consciously awake, and so I think that that correlation right. There is a huge aha moment for myself of going. This is why I do what I do. If we can all wake up to recognizing the underlying patterns that are going on in our system, that are running on autopilot that we are going to, we can make the shift. And so it's like, yes, I've got big dreams and big goals for Moon Rising and Shamanic Institute, because I feel like you can't escape our programs without waking up. I feel like you can't escape our programs without waking up. You're going to go in the thick of it. You're going to have an awakening experience and you're going to embrace new patterns, beliefs, practices that are going to help you stay in that high vibe energy. It might not be just in the first four months, but you're going to get a lot done in that first four months. Maybe it's in the second four month program or the third four month program where you're really actively, energetically, embracing your full, authentic truth and power.
Speaker 2:And guess what? The more we do that, I see that those student graduates go out and then they go wake up others. That's their job, whether they're doing it through shamanic Reiki sessions or workshops or guided meditations or whatever they're doing to shift the energy of the world. It fills me up knowing that I have students that are doing the work and that they are helping others do the work, and that this is just a trickle down effect of the work that we can do. So yes, this year we might've only had maybe 50 students total. About that I'm not even sure. Maybe a little more, maybe like 60 students total. What if next year was a hundred? Or what if next year was 200? Or the year and five years we have 500 students. What impact are we going to make in the world's level of consciousness If we have all 500 of those students waking up, 20 people each?
Speaker 3:Yeah, right, and even looking at the 50 that go out into 20 people on their side. You know, and and really it is so important to recognize, like in ourselves as we're going out, as practitioners, as students, students, as you know, waking up and being the beings of the light, is that we are planting these major seeds in people's lives, even if they're not awakened in that instant. Because you said something. Because a lot of times when we go out and we speak to people who aren't awakened, they just look at us like we're crazy, like what are you talking about? Every now, and then you get that curious person that is like I want to hear what you got to say, right, because there's something in them that it ignites and then they are in filling and alignment to your conversation. But it really is, it's planting those seeds and it starts with us. So I really love that part of it is recognizing that it starts with us and Sarah's like so I really love that part of it is recognizing that it starts with us and Sarah's like ooh, goosebumps.
Speaker 3:Yes, because when we're doing our work and we go out and we shine our light and our knowledge and wisdom, then we get to really connect with so many other people that they're like okay, where are you coming from and what are you learning? And teach me what you know. And that's where Moon Rising really steps in, because it's like well, come over here, because we have this beautiful platform that we can educate and teach and guide you. But then you learn to be self-sourced in it, and that is the part that is so important. And knowing is like we're not here to lead you through your entire journey forever. It's to teach you how to do it for yourself, and then you go do it, and then all messages and downloads can come for you.
Speaker 2:I can't emphasize that enough. Like I feel, like I don't want to be anyone's guru. That is not what we're doing. I want you to be your own guru. I want you to see your own light. I want to see, want you to see your own power. I want to see, want you to see your own power, I want you to see your own strength. And when you can step into that, damn, it's like here's the shift, here's the shift in your life.
Speaker 2:Yeah, people come into our programs and they get divorced or they put boundaries in place in their families. They'll initiate quitting their job, whatever it may be like, big things happen because they're stepping into their full office authenticity and then they're going to attract and vibrate more like-minded individuals who are also high vibe, and so it's. There is this transitionary zone that you have to kind of go through and it's amazing to witness Like I'm always so in awe of the practice and figuring out what works for different individuals, because that's the other thing there. This can't be a blanket, one size fits all script. It doesn't work that way, and I see so many programs out there going follow my five-step program and I'm like bullshit. I'm sorry, I call it bullshit, I just call it bullshit because it doesn't. Everyone's different. And if we break it down like are you an earthling, are you a Pleiadian, are you a star? Like? What star seed are you like? Connected from Like you might have different capacity than others.
Speaker 2:I had a student reach out who had gone through the whole year program. She's an advanced student graduate and she was like Christine, how do you see things in the spirit world? Like, what are your spiritual gifts? And she had been with me for a year, over a year, and she's, she's still like, can I ask you that? And I have to remind her I'm like well, how I see is going to be different than you see. I don't see anything in color, I don't see things like a movie. I have to put all of the pieces together. So, yes, I've got a little bit of clairvoyance, I got a little bit of clear audience, I got a lot of clear sentience and when I mix it together, I can feel where the presence in the room and I can feel what their personality is like and I can see glimpses of them. But it's not going to be in color and it's not going to be clear, it's going to be out of focus and I may or may not hear a message from them, and sometimes it will, and sometimes it will come right out of my mouth, right? But just because I do it that way might mean that you are going to have such a different experience and it's just as equally as powerful.
Speaker 2:There are some people who have clear cognizant, who come into our programs that literally, it's a clear knowing. So I give them the task here's the intention and they come back five minutes later Okay, I got it. I didn't see anything, I didn't hear anything, I didn't smell anything, I didn't taste anything, I didn't feel anything. But I know, right, I'm like great, that's your gift, let's honor that. And I feel like there's a lot of you know there's, there's a lot of programs out there and they're they're all beautiful in their own way.
Speaker 2:But I really feel like we need to honor the individual soul and how they're going to best bust out of the restrictions and confinement they've experienced in their lifetime. And what does that look like? And so it could be. You know sexual trauma or childhood trauma, or you know divorces, or emotional abuse or physical abuse, like all of those things is such a human experience, like we all have hard stuff that has happened in this lifetime and that's just how we sign up to come into earth, like once we come into this understanding of I signed up for it.
Speaker 2:You know, the person who abused me in my lifetime is my biggest and greatest teacher that I'll have here, because he said I love you so much. I'll step into that position to hurt you and harm you so that you'll learn to have boundaries, so that you'll learn to have forgiveness, so that you'll learn to have patience or whatever it may be, and that is my greatest teacher. That's the greatest teacher. So, once we can start looking at okay, this is my trauma. These are the people who have provided the trauma, traumatic experience. How can I see them as a teacher? And what did I learn? No longer can you suffer and be the victim of that. Now, what does that have to do with star seeds? Right, I think this is the where we come in, like we're coming in from a galactic place where they have their own kind of rules and requirements to be on their planets, like.
Speaker 2:I don't right. Well, and I, and I feel like there's not a lot of planets where it's just a vacation, and when they're there, there are some, there are some, but guess what? They're boring. There's so boring, there's like no contrast. So you might go hang out there for a year or so and then you're just like, well, I'm done with that because it's boring and earth provides this really interesting space of it can be hard and I'm going to sign up for what.
Speaker 2:What, as a soul, do I need to learn? And how can that be? How can that unfold as an earthling on this planet earth, given this current societal, cultural, institutional norms, and how do I want to play in that? I feel like we come in knowing that it's going to be a roller coaster. We know that there's going to be good times and there's going to be struggles and we get to choose our level of participation. And so, yeah, I come in as a soul that gets really frustrated because I pick some really in-depth lessons. Let's put it that way I feel like I've come in for some heavy lessons because I needed to learn these things so I could connect with and empathize with the souls here on earth. So I've picked my own story, my own star of the show. I've created my play to have those experiences so that I can relate to you. And so I've.
Speaker 2:I don't think anyone has um, has it easy, right. And so if I'm coming in and I'm scheduling myself for these big, difficult life lessons, then it's very much like okay, how can I learn the best fastest possible? How can I wake up and remember my own truth of who I am and how can I share that empowerment with the world? Like there, it is right. So I have to re learn what love is. I have to relearn what suffering is. I have to relearn all of these different components. And I feel like the more often I'm here on the earth plane, it feels like I, they can come in a little bit more rapidly, like I'm, I'm not stuck in the space Like now. It's like, oh crap, here we go again. Oh, yeah, I see this one coming, I, okay, let's just hurry this along and remember it so I can get through it and then I can teach the lesson.
Speaker 2:And I feel like oftentimes my spiritual work is that I am doing, I'm getting lessons, I learn them, I turn around and teach about them, I inspire others, and that's kind of the process and the flow, and I just want to go back to like from the very beginning of this conversation about how you know, oftentimes the star seed comes in feeling very alone. They come in feeling I want to go home. I had this. This planet has been suffering. What am I supposed to do here? Um, I'm I.
Speaker 2:My heart aches and breaks because of the level of harm that the planet is experiencing, whether that is all of the plastic in the world or the storms and the you know, the um, global climate change, like there's all these things happening on the earth. And as a young person, as an Indigo child, the crystal and a young star seed, like it can be very heartbreaking to witness what is happening on the earth and to feel like we don't have any power. And then we grow up and we can start remembering who we are and going. Oh yeah, it all comes down to what happens within me. Is is externally reflected in the world, and I just cannot emphasize that enough and I do.
Speaker 2:I feel like every time I come on the podcast, I end up in the same spot. Wake up, please wake up. Remember who you are, do the work. Let's dive into the shadow. Let's help you get you there, because the more we can do that, the better off this planet is going to be, and we will. It will survive. I mean, I think that there's definitely the earth's survival is hanging in the balance, and it's been there for a while, but it's rapidly, it's rapidly changing Right, and so we need to step forward and like let's love ourselves, let's enjoy what we have, and so, you know, I love community connection. I'm so happy I live in a co-housing community, an intentional community, where when I walked to my car this morning, I had three people say hello and greet me in the morning, like I, there's things about this life that we get to exemplify and celebrate, and the more we can do that, then then that level of gratitude is going to be there too. That's going to balance out the happiness that's happening in the world.
Speaker 3:And then tuning in also. I mean, we're having awareness of all that, but also having the awareness that where we put our energy is what we receive. So kind of like what you were talking about is we create our experience by the thought process we put out, the energy we put out. So it is going to be you want to travel, go travel. You want the experience of having loving relationships create that, and so when we are in that bubble of energy, we can create such a beautiful existence here and knowing that what we're putting forward can be completely contagious to everyone around us. Right, and so it really is.
Speaker 3:When we're looking at ourself, what can we do? But have enjoy your time here as well, because our time is so short. So when we come here, we get to be, have this earthly experience, and I remember hearing that for the first time, you know years ago, of we are souls having this human experience. And now this is such a buzz thing. But before, when it was like first said 20 years ago or whenever it was, I heard it it was such a oh my gosh. Yes, I know that I resonate with that when I learned about soul contracts, absolutely so when you're learning different terminology and it resonates no, that's the truth within you, that's the truth that we all carry and have right, but we have to get to certain levels of our conscious awareness to understand what those things mean.
Speaker 2:You know what that brought up for me and I'm kind of giggling to myself as one of my main recruiting factors. When I go to these other planetary systems and to encourage them to come to earth, I'm like, oh, the sex is great here. Orgasms are like no other, like you're never going to have a reproductive experience quite like on earth, like this is the best, like that is like my recruitment tool, because it's like there's this level of uh, there's a level of full, experiential, full body bliss that isn't, isn't quite like anything else you'll experience anywhere else in the universe. And I and you know so yeah, I might've hoodwinked a few, a few souls to come here. I'm just talking about like the sex is fantastic.
Speaker 3:Let's just just enjoy it and they come and they experience and they're like Christine, you were right and you know um and it's so. I think it's us tuning into all of our senses and definitely orgasm is like at the top of the list, but tuning into all of it food, love, touch, connection, seeing the beautiful, everything that we see on our planet. It's amazing, it's beautiful, it's gorgeous here In nature and it's just like the layers and yeah, it's just the calling and really tuning into our five senses and all of our experiences here.
Speaker 2:So well, and noticing those five senses really ground us into the present moment.
Speaker 2:Well, and noticing those five senses really ground us into the present moment. Right, that's what we need. It's like when we are focused on the past or focused on the future we're in that state of anxiety or depression and it's like when we can actually hone into. How does my heartbeat feel in this moment, how does my breath feel, what does it smell like when I take an inhale through my nose? What can I touch? What fabric texture is touching my skin? Like when we're fully in the present moment.
Speaker 2:That mindfulness allows us to be clear. It allows us to come into a neutral zone, and when we're in a neutral zone, we're at least out of the victimhood mode, and neutral is really easy to to lean into the gratitude. I'm grateful for the breath. I'm grateful for the smell of the cookies cooking in the kitchen. I'm grateful for the beautiful things that I'm seeing right now, in this moment. Right now I'm looking at Chantel and looking into her gorgeous brown eyes.
Speaker 2:Like I can be in the state of gratitude of just being fully present in this moment, and we often forget. There's so much of this forgetting ness of the beauty of the present moment, and how do we stay in it? And I feel like you know myself personally, this is a big struggle and the fact that, like, I'm naturally more of an anxious person, right, so I'm always thinking about the future, because that's where anxiety comes from, right, and so it's pull it back, pull it back. How can I be secure and clear and okay, and what, whatever, what is going on, and it all comes back to that present moment.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it is, and it's not always easy to be in the present moment but to be mindful of it. Like I am too much in my future, I am living in my past. That awareness is going to bring us back to the present and knowing that everything that we want is literally one vibration away, we just have to create that. What is it that we desire? How do we want to be right If we're not feeling happy? Fill it for a minute, give yourself permission to fill your emotions, but then shift that so that you can get into this present moment, so you can have the experience of gratitude, so you can go and live and laugh and love and do the things that we're here to also experience. And so, yes, when we're looking on the global events and collective and all that kind of stuff, it can be very heavy and daunting for a lot of people. But when you can shift the perspective and bring it back to what can I just do for myself and my world, because my world will affect your world, and so on and so on. That's where changes and so I think that's a lot of what we're talking about here today is you know, we're going to go out and save the whole world? No, but we can do it one person at a time, one conversation at a time, one seed plant at a time. And once we do that, we've done our mission. We're here to do it, and it doesn't mean we have to be standing on the top of the mountain screaming and doing all these things. We're doing it in ourself and so, yeah, it brings in a lot of power and a lot of awareness, and I'm very grateful for my experiences.
Speaker 3:I've gone through a lot in this lifetime. I definitely feel like I was up there, like, oh, I'll take a little bit of this, a little bit of that, but through my experiences, because I have that bigger perspective of life now I see why I've gone through everything I've gone through to pull me to where I am today. I've gone through to pull me to where I am today, and my awakening, my main awakening, was in 2013, you know, 2012. So, and I see that, like we're talking, that timeline for humanity happened right. We were all on that trajectory and here we are, all these years later, we're still in that and we're collectively doing it. So, even if 95% of the world is asleep, they're going to wake up in their timeframe. They're going to wake up in the lifetime that they're meant to, because everything we're learning here is imprinting on our soul. So when we transition and we come back, what we have discovered here in this lifetime we'll transfer over to our soul blueprint and and we will weave that in as we need to.
Speaker 2:Yes, yeah, absolutely Well, I think that's a beautiful place to um conclude this conversation. So until next time, may you awaken to the whispers of wisdom from within.
Speaker 1:Thanks for tuning in to today's show. The Wisdom Rising podcast is sponsored by Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcasting app and be the first to know when we release a new episode. You can find us on Instagram, facebook, youtube and TikTok at Moon Rising Institute, or visit our website, moonrisinginstitutecom to learn more about our mission and find future opportunities to connect with our community of shamanic mystics. Once again, thank you for sharing space with us today and until next time, may you awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising from within.